Saturday, September 02, 2006

Experience Google imagine label

I tried Google Image Labeler today. I find some rules to play it well. Its interestness, in my opinion, goes far beyond the game itself, but reaches the field of cognitive science. I will than give the explanations to my rules based the psychological principle.

I first came to know the news that google push out Google Image Labeler to improve its image search, however I have no time to try it until today. I got my highest score 500 twice. For a time, my partner (Hi guy, how can I know you?) and I ranked 1st in Today's Ranking. I admit it is a little difficult for a non-native English speaker. For example, when I am playing this game, the first word come to my mind is often a Chinese word, and then I translate it into English, but sometimes I fail to find an approciate English word to describe a picture. So I am happy with my score. After all, it is interesting. OK, I find the following rules may be useful if you want to get a high score.

  • Rule 1: Type as quickly as possible, and no more than four words.
  • Rule 2: Focus on the whole, don't dive into details.
  • Rule 3: If there are some words in the picture, type these words.
  • Rule 4: If there are people, describe whether it is a man or a woman.
  • Rule 5: noun>verb>where>when>adjective
Everery interesting game must have a delicate psychological model behind it. The psychological model behind google image labeler is cognative science. [ to be continued ]

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