Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tibetan Protests Attack Olympic Torch Holder, Who is a disabled female in wheelchair

As a Chinese, I personally wish the Olympic torch relay will unite people of different belief. I hope it leads to a "journey to harmony" . However, you have the freedom of speech and the right of demonstration. I respect that; indeed your voices are heard. But, take care: don't turn a legal demonstration into a violent turmoil; don't do anything as shown in the following video again (if you choose not to watch this, I call tell you, in this video, Tibetan protestants attacked the Olympic torch holder, who is a disabled female in wheelchair). don't add to our hatred. What happened yesterday makes me worried 'cause you know hatred makes peaceful resolutions more hopeless.

And follow Dalai Lama's teaching (cited from Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to All Tibetans)
8. The hosting of the Olympic games this year is a matter of great pride to the 1.2 billion Chinese people. I have from the very beginning supported the holding of these Games in Beijing. My position on this remains unchanged. I feel the Tibetans should not cause any hindrance to the Games. It is the legitimate right of every Tibetan to struggle for their freedoms and rights. On the other hand, it will be futile and not helpful to anyone if we do something that will create hatred in the minds of the Chinese people. On the contrary, we need to foster trust and respect in our hearts in order to create a harmonious society, as this cannot be built on the basis of force and intimidation.


Anonymous said...

who in the right mind would give somebody who cant even walk a torch which is arguably pricless???

Anonymous said...

All the yankees out there suck duuuuude

Anonymous said...

Americans are Douchbags and fat faaagggoottss

Anonymous said...

agreed, complete cunts and now there under water. silly fucking wankers stupid voices stupid presidents, what next???

Anonymous said...

all of them are silly little chinkeys

Anonymous said...

i agree with them there all faggots and china olympics shouldnt go on as we dont all want streamlined eyes because we dont WANT to have to see through the smog because some of us want to look individual, its commical how your one of the biggest countries and you all look the mother fucking same