Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long Distance Relationships

Today I presented a paper in our weekly journal club. My topic is about the Hi-C technique used to mapping the long-range interactions between genomic loci. I adapted a short love poem to describe the long distance relationships between chromatic elements.

Original Version

Though miles lie between us,
We're never far apart,
For friendship doesn't count the miles,
It's measured by the heart

My version

Though millions of basepairs may lie between us,
We're never far apart,
For chromatic interaction doesn't count the basepairs,
It's measured the 3D structure

It may requires some biological knowledge to tell the meaning, here are the slides of my presentation. [slides]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent creative presentations…even I know nothing about them. I love your creativity more on tailoring the poem...:-) LJ